The organizers of Value Invest New York have announced the agenda for the conference this December, the line-up includes Joel Greenblatt, Howard Marks, David Iben, Matthew McLennan and other investors running funds in both Europe and Asia.
ValueWalk has a special coupon for the conference and will be covering the event so stay tuned. See below for more information.
There’s still a discount to attend the event until November 20 using the code: VALUEWALK-NOV-$100
Q3 hedge fund letters, conference, scoops etc
The presentation titles announced so far are below,
click here to see the full agenda, with presentation titles and timings
Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital
Mastering the Market Cycle: Fireside Chat and Audience Q&A
Hosted by Scott Wapner of CNBC
David Iben – Kopernik Global Investors
The Value of Being Approximately Right in a Market that Appears to be Increasingly Precisely Wrong
Rajiv Jain – GQG Partners
The Outsider’s View: “Value” Investing Through the Eyes
of a Quality Growth Investor
Álvaro Guzmán de Lázaro & Fernando Bernad Marasse, azValor
Buying Deeply Undervalued Real Assets
Joel Greenblatt – Gotham Asset Management
Presentation Title TBC
Nigel Waller & Andrew Goodwin – Oldfield Partners
Value Investing in an Age of Disruption
Ben Preston – Orbis Investments
Vale: Blue Sky Mine
Bernard Horn – Polaris Capital
A Global Snapshot of Value Opportunities
Andrew Wellington – Lyrical Asset Management
Value Hidden in Plain Sight
Richard Chilton – Chilton Investment Company
A Private Equity Approach to Investing in High-Quality Stocks
Ronald Chan – Chartwell Capital
Finding a Spark in Japan
Matt McLennan, First Eagle Investment Management
The Value of Scarcity and Resilience
Jonathan Mills – Metropolis Capital
Finding a Golden Nugget in a Muddy River
The inaugural event will be full, so if you want to attend on December 4th you will need to register for a ticket by November 20th at the latest.
The speakers at the conference will provide valuable insights into the methods and approaches that have made them successful, comment on the investment climate and offer specific investment ideas.
Free eBook from Harriman House
The organizers are also offering one of the following free eBook’s to download directly from Harriman House when you sign-up for conference updates:
The Buffett Essays Symposium: A 20th Anniversary Annotated Transcript – by Lawrence A. Cunningham
The Warren Buffett Shareholder: Stories from inside the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting– by Lawrence A. Cunningham and Stephanie Cuba
Harriman’s New Book of Investing Rules: The do’s and don’ts of the world’s best investors – by Chris Parker
An overview video of Value Invest New York and the performance of the investment ideas presented at the organizers other conference in London is below. The conference in New York will have a similar number of investment ideas presented at it each year: