By Buying Topsy, Apple Inc. Gets What Google Doesn’t Have

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Apple gets access to Twitter data

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s recent acquisition gives them access to data from one of the world’s leading social media platforms. The company’s purchase of Topsy allows access to Twitter data that Google doesn’t have — a major win for the California-based tech giant.

Google Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) used to have access to Twitter data, but their partnership ended last year. However, Google retained their partnerships with other search sites like Microsoft Bing. Access to Twitter data will allow Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) to improve their overall search algorithms for different services including the App Store and Siri. Although the iPad maker purchased Topsy for about $200 million, to date the company has declined to share plans regarding their new purchase.

Thanks to Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s recent acquisition, the company now has access to highly detailed data from Twitter.

Elizabeth Dwoskin elaborates on Topsy

The Wall Street Journal’s Elizabeth Dwoskin elaborated on Topsy, “Topsy has helped Hollywood studios predict box office demand for movies based on the Twitter conversation,” Jamie de Geurre, the company’s vice president of product said in an interview in October. The six-year-old startup also has a platform through which government agencies can analyze billions of tweets – helping emergency-management workers monitor where accidents may have occurred and whether supplies were delivered. During Hurricane Sandy, Maryland’s Emergency Management Agency used Topsy to analyze the locations of tweets, using references made in the tweet itself or in the tweeter’s profile.

Topsy is one of a handful of companies that are certified data resellers. Similar companies include Data Sift, NFT Data, and Gnip. These companies resell data to other smaller analytic firms. To retain their top position with Twitter, these companies are required to audit their clients and crack down on spammers.

The real win for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is the possibility of identifying trends for the mobile market. This could allow Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) to offer application recommendations based on Twitter trends.

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