I’ll be the first to admit it, if I find $20,000 in cash on the street, it will probably ending up becoming my money. There are, of course, exceptions. If, for example, that bag were to fly out of the Blues Brothers’ car as they were racing to save an orphanage legally, I would turn the money into the Cook County Assessor, as they did. But since that was fiction, my suggestion that I would turn it it could largely be viewed as fictional as well. If I were to find the money, and keep my ears peeled to whether or not someone who needed it had lost it, that, I would like to think, would also be an occasion where I would return the money.
Money Returned To Bank
If, however, I was to simply find a plastic bag with nothing more than a national bank’s bands, that’s my money. My guess is that whoever was responsible for losing it will still be fired, so returning it to a bank … well, I just wouldn’t. But I’m not Candace Scott, who did just that. This unemployed teacher and cliche (she was taking her cat to the vet) found nearly $20,000 on the street today and promptly returned it to a branch of Chase Bank closest to where it was found.
Following her banging on the door, she was greeted by a bank manager who thanked her. “She told me I’m the most honest person in the world, and I said ‘or the dumbest,'” Scott said.
“It looked like a gallon-size baggie with a blue zipper on top,” Scott said. “It just barely caught my eye, and I thought it was money, then was like, ‘Nah, it’s probably a dirty diaper.'”
“There were two huge bundles of hundred-dollar bills wrapped in rubber bands,” Scott said. “The bag had ripped open because of the dump truck, but other than that it was just laying there.”
She was referring to a dump truck that had run the money over following her turning around to have a closer look.
“(The bank manager) thought I had been in an accident or somebody had mugged me,” Scott said. “I told her, ‘I have y’all’s money. She said ‘What?’ and then she thought I was a crazy person. I told her to stay right there while I got it. She saw it and opened that door up as fast as she could.”
With that statement two things come to mind. First, I understand why “y’all’s” and “y’all” seems acceptable in Texas—that’s what they’re taught to say . The second, and this one is truly shocking, in the state of Texas and in the entirety of this story from the AP, not one person mentioned God, Jesus, or The Bible.