Today,, inc. (NYSE:CRM) launched Salesforce1 Community, a LinkedIn-like service that enables businesses to develop trusted online networks to be able to connect with customers, employees and partners.
About Salesforce1 Community
According to the world’s largest maker of customer-management software, the Salesforce1 Community looks and feels like the network of LinkedIn Corporation (NYSE:LNKD).
In a statement, Nasi Jazayeri, executive vice president of Salesforce1 Community Cloud said, “More than 2,000 active communities have gone live since we first offered a communities product just over a year ago. Based on the success we have seen with customers, tremendous market opportunity and support from our ecosystem, is doubling down on communities with our new Community Cloud.”
In a separate interview with Bloomberg, Jazayeri emphasized, inc. (NYSE:CRM) “You need to be social to be able to interact with your customers. It’s really important for you to be connected and for you to have control.”
According to, inc. (NYSE:CRM), the Saleforce1 Community is directly connected to its CRM and essential business processes. Companies will now be able to create personalized websites based on the unique needs of their members.
In addition,, inc. (NYSE:CRM) said its Community Cloud allows companies to create communities with device-responsive design to ensure that their member still have an amazing experience whether they are using a tablet, smartphone or laptop.
Global companies connecting in a whole new way
According to, inc. (NYSE:CRM) , some of the global companies including British Sky Broadcasting, Cornell University, GE Capital, Honeywell, Key Bank among others are connecting in a whole new way using Salesforce1 Community Cloud –paving the way for the company into the fast growing $3.5 billion enterprise collaboration market.
Vanessa Thompson, research director of enterprise collaboration and social solutions at IDC, commented, “Any company can benefit from creating an engaged community. raises awareness of the immense value of community solutions with Salesforce1 Community Cloud by putting business processes at the center of engagement.”
Pricing and availability
The Salesforce1 Community Cloud is currently available with new advances and would be generally available on October 2014. The price for the service starts at $500 per month.