Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) CEO Thorsten Heins doesn’t see much of a future for tablets. He made the comment in an interview Monday at a conference at the Milken Institute. He also said that he doesn’t believe tablets alone are “a good business model.”
Heins’ comment about tablets may mean that the struggling handset maker won’t build a BlackBerry 10 based tablet, especially in the wake of its failed PlayBook tablet, which debuted without email built in. Of course Heins said earlier this year that he would only think about creating a successor to the PlayBook if Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) can make it profitable.
Heins also appeared on Bloomberg Television on Monday, and he said he was optimistic about the future of the Blackberry 10 handset, which is the company’s new QWERTY keyboard phone. It was released in the U.K. over the weekend. He said their initial indications of the launch show some “very good first signs.” According to Heins, he expects to see sales of “several tens of millions of units.” Many BlackBerry enthusiasts may prefer the company’s QWERTY keyboard handsets, and it’s counting on those enthusiasts to upgrade to the new Q10 handset.
Shares of Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) rose to the highest level they’ve been at since March 21. They jumped almost 4 percent at the NASDAQ Monday and jumped as much as 3 percent on Tuesday at the exchange.
Analysts say so far sales of the BlackBerry Q10 appear to be going well. Jefferies analyst Peter Misek told investors that their checks of Carphone Warehouse and Selfridges show that the handset was sold out quickly.