A new analysis, that comes from Open Systems, which provides Managed Detection and Response (MDR) to protect its customers around the world, of the ransomware crisis and other cyberthreats that is infecting American hospitals.
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Difficult For Businesses To Address Ransomware And Cyberthreats
“Ransomware – which locks up an organization’s data until that enterprise pays the hacker’s ransom — is a large and growing problem,” said Jeff Brown, Open Systems CEO. “The National Law Review reports that ransomware attacks will occur every 11 seconds in 2021 at a cost of $20 billion. And the Digital Defense Report released last month said that ransomware was the most common reason behind Microsoft’s incident response engagements from October 2019 through July 2020.”
“It’s extremely difficult for businesses – most of which are not cybersecurity experts – to address ransomware and other cyberthreats, which continue to grow in sophistication. Most organizations struggle to find the cybersecurity talent they need, which makes it extremely challenging for them to contain the deluge of cyberattacks coming their way.
Partnering With A Managed Detection And Response Provider
“Organizations that need assistance addressing ransomware and other cyberthreats can get the expertise and responsiveness they need by partnering with a managed detection and response provider. An experienced MDR provider can efficiently and effectively identify and contain cyberthreats on the enterprise’s behalf based on a pre-authorized playbook.
“Enterprises should choose an experienced and proven MDR service provider, rather than one of the startups just entering the MDR field. Open Systems has provided managed services for three decades. This has given us the time and opportunity to refine our processes and procedures to allow for expedited customer on-boarding, and to build and train a certified team of expert DevSecOps engineers and security analysts.”