Where do hedge funds fit in to institutional investors’ plans and what constitutes an “alternative strategy” for the world’s biggest investors. How is the continuing pension crisis manifesting itself in investment decisions? How are sovereign wealth funds, wealthy families and endowments evaluating existing and new relationships? What do investors want from hedge funds? Are hedge funds still an attractive investment?
Jane Buchan, CEO and Managing Director, Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company (PAAMCO)
James Perry, Senior Investment Officer, San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association (SBCERA)
Seema R. Hingorani, Head of Public Equities and Hedge Funds, Bureau of Asset Management, New York City Comptroller’s Office
Jeffrey Tarrant, CEO and Co-CIO, Protégé Partners LLC
Interviewed by:
Sara Eisen, Co-anchor, “Bloomberg Surveillance”, and Correspondent, Bloomberg Television (@saraeisenFX)