LG recently started accepting pre-orders for their curve-screen 55-inch LG OLED TV which is set to ship out next month. LG wants to increase consumer interest in their television sets. According to NDP Display Search, last year for the first time, LCD television sales started to decline.
Thanks to competition from smart TVs, 4K resolution, and mobile entertainment, LG needs to find a way to make their products more desirable. LG thinks the new curved-screen television set might drum up real interest. The tech giant spent a great deal of time developing this technology for over five years just to get it right. The screen surface on the particular 55EA9800 model shows an equally distant design that allows viewers to see clearly no matter where they sit. LG described it as, “eliminating the problem of screen-edge visual distortion and loss of detail.”
Overall, the set measures 4.3 millimeters thick and 17 kilograms in weight. The television will reportedly cost $13,500, which makes it a costly device, but it could be the potential winner for LG.
NDP DisplaySearch predicts that is could take two years before over two million sets are shipped. By 2016, it could be seven million.
It’s no secret that the way people watch television has changed in the last few years. Although a new impressive television set isn’t likely to garner much interest, overall it might still be the best move for LG.
The new television set also features WRGB technology that allows people to deliver color with a white sub-pixel along with red, blue, and green pixels which are found in standard television sets. It also features transparent thin-film speakers which give it a high-quality sound. It’s an impressive gadget and could be a must-have for serious television buffs or for those who want a quality home theater system.