Home Technology Kodi 18 Leia: The Star Wars Inspired Version

Kodi 18 Leia: The Star Wars Inspired Version

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While the current version of the popular media management software called Kodi goes by the name of 17 Krypton, it’s next incarnation is different. This time the developers have looked beyond their ranks for a naming solution. And, they have decided to pay homage to the late, great, intergalactic Princess Leia, from the Star Wars universe. As such, its next version will be called Kodi 18 Leia. Here’s what else you need to know about it.

Kodi 18 Leia

So, now that you know, that the majority of Kodi developers must be Star Wars fans. It feels quite apt that Carrie Fishers alter ego is being honored in such a way. However, as for the software itself, we’ve got to tell you that right now, it’s early day’s, there’s not a lot to say. Having said that there are undoubtedly questions to be answered, so here goes.

When Will Kodi 18 Leia Be Ready?

Having searched high and low for an answer to this question, we can tell you that there isn’t an official release date. Well, that is at least for the final stable version that the developers would prefer that you use.

Having said that, early builds are available, but they will be buggy.

Device Compatibility

No matter the developer or a particularly preferred software platform, there always comes a day when something is no longer supported. During its evolution from the original Xbox Media Player, Kodi’s developers have had to end support for various systems. Those of note have been the first XBOX, Windows XP, Apple TV2, Ubuntu 12.04, Android Lollipop earlier, and more.

Now, in 2017, with Kodi 18 Leia it again has to drop support, although this time it is for Windows Vista. If you use that OS, basically this means Kodi 17 Krypton is as far as you can go, unless you upgrade. If you would like to read more on this, you can do so here.

What New Features Are There?

As Kodi 17 Krypton was released just a month or two ago, you may be thinking that the developers have been taking some much-needed respite. You’d be wrong; instead, they have been hard at work thinking up and adding in new features for Kodi 18 Leia. Here’s a breakdown of what we know of so far.

Voice Search: At last Kodi users will be able to join the ranks of elite software users, as voice search is a big deal. To make use of it, you will need to be using the software on an Android TV device. This will enable you to use Google voice search and search your Kodi library straight from the Android screen.

This will give users of Kodi the freedom to search for whatever they like, greatly expanding the functionality of the tool. As of right now, the uses it’s being tested for include searching for movies, tv shows, albums, actors, and artists. As we learn more, we will update this article with the details.

Home Screen Library Tiles: Again via an Android TV box, Kodi 18 Leia will along with YouTube videos, and your most used apps be able to show you library content. By, that we mean its library content will be visible on the home screen of Android TV. Coupled with voice search, this will prove to be a powerful combination.

As for what you will see from Kodi, that will be suggested content, which may contain movies you’re yet to watch. As well as TV series that you have yet to try or episodes you’ve not caught up with. Additionally, there will be suggestions for music lovers, such as albums and artists of interest, for which one click takes you to the information required.

You Can Give It A Try

Giving it a try is possible, however, be warned, it is a work in progress. As such, not all of the functionality is in place, and there will be bugs that make it unstable. But, if that doesn’t put you off, you can get a copy here.

However, if you’re already a Kodi 17 user, there’s no need to uninstall it, Kodi 18 Leia will be placed as a sperate version alongside it. We advise that you do not attempt to use Leia as your main build, why? As we mentioned previously, this software is not the finished article, and only usable as a test bed. As such we advise that you don’t uninstall Kodi 17.

Bug Reports

If you do install Kodi 18 Leia, the team working on it are asking users to report bugs. What is a bug? It can be an error, flaw, failure or fault that causes Kodi to operate in an incorrect manner.

You can help significantly speed up this versions official launch by reporting anything you find on the developer’s forum here. Additionally, if you’re interested in finding out more. You can do that via their blog.

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