Getting into grad school isn’t easy. You have to fill out applications with different requirements from each school, write essays, and treat getting into your program of choice as a job interview. Then, there’s the GMAT: the test that often feels like a prediction of your future success.
What is the GMAT?
The GMAT, or The Graduate Management Admission Test is required for applicants by about 6,500 graduate business programs worldwide, and it can be an intimidating prospect if you’ve never taken it before. Scores are valid for five years, and the 3.5 hour test costs $250 per sitting. A perfect score is 800, but the average score is around 540-550. Only about 50 people each year get a perfect score.
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GMAT Perfect Score Tips
If you’re applying to programs that require the GMAT, it’s a good idea to start studying early. This will help you stay calm and confident throughout the process. One important aspect of getting a Perfect Score on the test to prepare for is computer-adaptive testing. This means that once you’ve answered a few questions, the computer adapts the questions based on your skill level. The best way to prepare for this is to take practice tests.
Use all the resources available online to study and prepare. You’ll want to re-familiarize yourself with statistics and economics and learn to think conceptually, rather than memorizing facts and figures. The GMAT isn’t interested in what you memorized in high school—it’s designed to figure out how you think.
Be sure to keep moving at a steady pace during the exam itself to achieve that Perfect Score. Each section has a time limit, and you don’t want to run out. Stay positive, prepare well, and you’re likely to do just fine! For all 10 tips on preparing for the GMAT, check out this infographic from Washington State University’s School of Business.