The person who shared this brutal video on Facebook had these words written in the description of the video.
This is the most evil and disgusting video I’ve EVER seen. It should go viral. I found it on Facebook. If the world can let Gangnam style go to billion+ viewers, the world can see this and this baby can be rescued before they kill him/her. It’s not enough to just view it and weep. Share it again and again. On every social network. Someone knows these criminals. They can be found and brought to justice. The videographer is just as evil for sitting there recording instead of stopping the madness. And they have another kid watching, learning this wickedness. Do it for all the billions of abused babies and children around the world!
UPDATE 9/9/2019: Video has been removed due to graphic content
UPDATE 23/05/2014: After doing some research – we figured out that this video was actually filmed 2 years ago, here is more about it:
Excerpts via CNN:
A video of a teenage Malaysian mother beating her baby daughter has generated a storm of outrage online a year after it was filmed, prompting the Malaysian Police to announce that the woman is already serving an 18-month prison sentence for the offense.
In a post on their Facebook page this week, the Malaysian Police said they had received hundreds of complaints and comments about the case after the four-minute video of the mother repeatedly striking the baby with her hand, her foot and a pillow went viral.
Excerpts via Daily Mail:
- The clip was filmed in Petaling Jaya, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur in May 2011
- Unmarried mother, 18, was sentenced to 18 months in jail for child abuse
- Abused baby is now ‘doing well’ in foster care
The baby was put into the care of a foster family after her mother’s arrest and is now doing ‘very well,’ said Fatimah Zuraidah Salleh, deputy director of the children division of the Social Welfare Department to CNN.
The court will decide whether the mother, who is due to be released in late November, will be allowed to regain custody of the child.