Asia Summit 2015 – A World in Turmoil: Finding Opportunities Amid Volatility (II)

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Published on Sep 24, 2015
China’s stock market turmoil and currency devaluation can be added to a list of uncertainties that threatens to disrupt the global economy’s uptrend. Greece’s default, structural challenges in the BRIC economies — from Brazil’s infrastructure problems and Russia’s commodity dependency to India’s overdue labor law reforms – along with the prospect of a U.S. interest rate hike, are fueling fear of renewed financial turmoil. What are the chances these challenges will stall growth? And what can we do to lessen their impact? Other developments require attention, as well. As manufacturing in parts of China, South Korea and Taiwan moves elsewhere in Asia, will financial and business services step into the void? Will a new tier of emerging cities — Jakarta, Hanoi and Delhi as well as China’s eastern coastal cities — benefit from the outflow? With these dynamics unfolding during a time of volatile recovery, navigating the commercial opportunities and dangers will be difficult. Our expert panel will offer insights and help chart a course for turbulent times.

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