, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has been accused by Chinese authorities of selling counterfeit books through third-party sellers. China’s National Copyright Administration said recently that 36 third party sellers are selling counterfeit books and are violating copyright laws, according to Sina Tech.
Amazon Asked to Make Amendments
Chinese authorities demand that, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) should make four amendments, the first one being that it should break ties with 36 retailers who are accused of selling counterfeit books. Secondly, requirements which third party sellers need to meet should be stricter. The third change proposed is that the communication between Amazon, publishers and the National Administration should be perked up. The last proposed change is that penalties should be increased on sellers selling counterfeit books.
Other Suspected Companies
After investigating internet piracy for four months, Chinese authorities decided to take action against various companies who operate in the country. Other companies investigated are Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Baidu, Tencent, and Taobao, according to The Next Web., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) is targeted more than other companies because it is more widely present in the country.
China Investigating Foreign Firms
China is following a trend of investigating international firms for following unlawful business practices. The authorities try to convey two things through this, first they can prove to international media that they follow strict rules regarding intellectual properties, and on the other hand, they can also instill a sense of confidence among local companies by conveying to them that the world’s leading companies will not be given unfair opportunities.
Some may argue that the actions taken by China are politically charged and for appearances only, but it also reflects that the country is committed to enhancing standards in e-commerce.
Kindle Store for Chinese Consumers, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) rolled out Kindle Store for Chinese consumers last year in December. In May, it launched the Chinese version of its Android app store. Amazon also started selling Kindle Fire HD tablet and a Kindle paperwhite e-book reader in China., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) became the first western technology company to offer paid Android apps in China. The Android app store on Amazon will also offer Chinese consumers free apps. Amazon made a promise to consumers that quality and safety will be kept in consideration while offering the apps.