5 Reasons Why Lawyers Should Start Using More Video Ads

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Successful lawyers have many ways to find more clients, but it’s always possible to get more. If you want the largest law practice in town, you’ll need to focus on the best ways to get people through your front door.

Lawyers will have lots of success with video ads, which you’re probably not using at the moment. Before getting started, you’ll want to know why they’re so good. Let’s look at some reasons you should start using them now.

People Watch The Entire Ad

When you create a great ad, you want everyone to watch until the end. You’ll be more likely to acquire clients if they listen to your full message. Most people use a mobile device to browse the internet these days.

If you look at your analytics, you’ll see it’s true. People will usually watch mobile ads until the end if they’re less than 30 seconds long. When you’re paying for ads, it’s great when nothing is wasted.

You’ll Look More Professional

Disability lawyers will want to look professional if they’re trying to build trust with potential clients. Do you think it’s possible to build trust with a few lines of copy? You’ll only be able to pique someone’s interest.

You’ll need to get in front of the camera if you want to impress them. When someone watches you speaking on camera, they’ll be able to imagine you speaking in court. Video ads are also a hundred times more personal.

Packed Full Of Information

If you look at written Facebook ads, you won’t find much information. Google ads are even shorter, so it’s hard to do much selling. You can send traffic to a landing page, but people will need to click on your ad first.

Video ads are different because they’re packed full of information. You’ll be able to say enough to convince a potential client to give you a call. If you keep testing ads until you find the right ones, you’ll succeed.

Great At Converting To Sales

I’m sure an Oshawa personal injury lawyer would love people watching their ad, but bringing in clients is the main goal. Videos have a really good conversion rate compared to other forms of content, which we see all the time.

Did you know companies can increase sales by 35% if they add videos to product descriptions? You’ll still need to find ways to reduce your ad spend to increase your cost per click, but videos will beat traditional ads.

Videos Becoming More Popular

Videos keep becoming more popular every year, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. In the past, you only used to watch videos on sites like YouTube. Now they’re huge on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.

Once virtual reality takes over the world, we won’t see much-written content. You’ll only see videos everywhere you look. If videos are going to keep increasing in popularity, it makes sense to switch to video ads.

Videos Will Grow Your Business

If you’re looking to get new clients to help grow your law firm, it’s worth turning to video ads before the competition gets even tougher.