5 Easy Ways Contractors Can Skyrocket Their YouTube Followers

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It feels like contractors have lots of competition these days, so you can’t just rely on word-of-mouth marketing. Forward thinkers have started doing basic things like creating a Facebook page, but it’s still not enough.

Not only do you need to focus on social media at the moment, but it must be done effectively. If you’re smart, you’ll be able to get lots of customers from YouTube, and we’ll look at some great tactics to help you do it.

Step-By-Step Guides

You could show your followers how to finish a basement in Markham, and everyone who watches your videos would love it. When viewers are happy, it’s more likely they’ll share the video, which will boost your follower count.

Most people who watch a step-by-step video will call you anyway. They don’t want to do it themselves, plus they’ll know you’re a capable contractor. If someone does follow your advice, they would never have contacted you.

Use Video Testimonials

Ask your customers if they’ll record a video testimonial for YouTube. When customers say nice things about a contractor online, it’s usually by leaving a review. Potential customers won’t know if it’s real or fake.

If they see someone speak, it’s a hundred times more believable. Don’t just ask them to stand in front of the camera to say a few words. If they show everyone the work you carried out, it’s even better.

Work With Other Creators

Some businesses offer free samples to tempt customers into buying their products. You can do the same kind of thing on Youtube if you find creators who live close by. Ask if you can carry out a job in their home for free.

Before you start working, let them know they’ll need to create a video about it. You’ll need to invest a little money upfront, but they’ll get a free home upgrade. Spend time choosing the right channels to target.

Send People To Your Website

Ask viewers to visit your website if possible. If you’re talking about something in a video, you can send them to your site for more information. Maybe they’ll call you up about a job when they see your homepage.

You’ll also be able to ask for their email address, so you’ll be able to send them to YouTube whenever you post a new video. It might take a few videos before they hit the subscribe button but don’t let them forget you.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Short Videos

Creators post longer videos on YouTube because it increases their ad revenue. When you’re running an offline business offering expensive services, you probably don’t care about earning a thousand dollars extra every month.

It’s okay for you to post short videos that more people will watch. Would you watch a video that’s 20 minutes long, or would you skip it? Once you start posting videos, you’ll be able to see when people start clicking away.

YouTube Is Hot Right Now

Everyone seems to be consuming video content at the moment, plus YouTube will help share your videos with their users. It’s why every business should focus on the platform.