18 Words That Make People Spend Money

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No matter the product or service, marketers are in the business of encouraging people to make purchases. Through advertisements, websites, blogs, social posts and other assets, they communicate a tailored message to target audiences. Within those messages are the words that can make or break the conversion.

The language companies use to promote their products can directly impact sales because of the subconscious power words have on people. As such, marketers can use their copy to connect with audiences, grab their attention, answer questions, and, ideally, convince them that their product or service is worth buying.


Q1 hedge fund letters, conference, scoops etc

There are some specific words that make people spend money – or at least have a really good chance of encouraging the sale. Strong verbs, sensory words, emotional terms and positive connotations are generally effective. However, don’t forget that context and brand voice always reign supreme, so choose your money-making words carefully.

18 Words That Make People Spend Money

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