5th Generation War: Pakistan Dominates India With Information

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5th Generation War: What is it?

Since the dawn of civilization man has seemed bent on designing new ways to destroy one another. From the earliest recorded history we have seen stories of men who fashioned crude, but effective, weapons of war. Time has taught us much in the art of war, and what is now being called 5th generation war is one of the most effective methods for destabilization of a government ever invented.

5th generation warfare is, in its simplest terms, the control of information. When a government wants to sway the will of a group of people, whether its own citizens or that of an adversary, the careful release of information is the most effective way to do this. By only telling part of a story, or shading the details to make it favorable to one side, a well written press release can be more effective than a targeted missile strike.

India Admits Pakistan More Effective at 5th Generation Warfare

In a recent statement Syed Ata Hasnain admitted that Pakistan was very good at this type of warfare. According to Sputnik News, Hasnain, who is the former Indian corps commander, said “They [India] should learn from Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR),[the Pakistan military’s media wing], how to fight a “5th generation war.” The statement was reportedly made to a British think tank after India submitted a dossier to Islamabad claiming the existence of terrorist camps.

The dossier contained reports claiming terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of more than 40 Indian military personnel in the Kashmir region were based inside Pakistan. Violence in the region has been ongoing, and Pakistan and India have fought 3 major conflicts in the last 70 years. However, this is the first time that 5th generation warfare has been used effectively by either side to sway public opinion.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry Claims

In the newest release of information in this 5th generation war, the Pakistan Foreign Ministry claims that India is mistaken in their belief that Pakistan is harboring terrorists. “While 54 detained individuals are being investigated, no details linking them to Pulwama have been found so far. Similarly, the 22 pin locations shared by India have been examined. No such camps exist. Pakistan is willing to allow visits, on request, to these locations.’

Islamabad has not completely dismissed India’s claims, but instead has recommended that the Indian government would need to provide additional documents and proof for them to continue investigating. While it appears that Pakistan is trying to cooperate with its neighboring country, statements like these are often made for the sake of the public. If that is the case, then this is just another tactic in 5th generation warfare.

India Recently Tested Anti-Satellite Missiles

On March 27 India launched a missile into space with the intent of destroying one of the country’s own satellites. This test was highly publicized by the media, with India’s top leaders praising the efforts of those involved with the program. This public flexing of military strength is yet another facet of the 5th generation war, with India proving it has the reach to knock down enemy surveillance equipment in low earth orbit.

5th Generation Warfare Now the Norm

Every nation on Earth is now recognizing the value in leveraging international and social media to promote its agenda. From President Trump tweeting his disdain for critics to Iran issuing statements of hatred towards America, the whole world seems embroiled in a 5th generation war that is escalating. We have seen politicians publicly tweeting angry statements, with some recent events even leading to a US ambassador being called names. It seems that 5th generation warfare is now a regular part of our daily lives.

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