Google Drive Update Fixes Sharing And MacOS Crash Issues

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For quite some time, Google Drive has been causing issues with a macOS crash. It appears as if this most recent update includes the client’s functionality and stability and solves this obnoxious issue while improving the utility’s sharing features.

Sharing Updates

The Google Drive team has used the 3.40.8839.2105 update to add a 64-bit executable client for Windows. With this new release, the application will automatically update to a 64-bit process on a 64-bit system, rather than earlier where it was unable to do so.

Additionally, the Google Drive Backup and Sync was revised to distribute as a 64-bit executable as well. On 32-bit systems, it will continue to run as a 32-bit utility, so no worries for those who aren’t running the correct form of the operating system for this new update.

This Google Drive update likely came from complaints from a number of users about the client’s poor ability to handle a large number of files – probably because it was a 32-bit process rather than the more robust 64-bit. With this new release, there have been updates to the sharing functionality that introduces a new dialog box – allowing users to quickly access the files’ “Sharing Settings.”

Google explained the process in the update notes.

“When copying a link to your clipboard, Backup and Sync now displays a dialog with the current link sharing setting.”

MacOS Crash Fix

While the Google Drive updates may be most notable to many, those of us on an Apple operating system will be happy to know of the fix for a macOS crash that has been bothering users for quite some time.

Piunikaweb reports that users have previously complained that they’re having issues with a macOS crash while using Backup and Sync with files and folders with emojis in their names. This might not be a problem for the majority of users, but for those who would like to include a smiley face in the title of their file they should be able to with the knowledge that they can now avoid a MacOS crash.

“Fixed an issue on macOS where Backup and Sync crashed when a synced file had emojis in the file name.”

It appears as if the main problem with the macOS crash was due to some AntiVirus applications and browser extensions and addons, but the problem has since been addressed.

Google Drive Patch Notes

The fixes and updates in their entirety have been listed below:

“Backup and Sync now distributes as a 64-bit executable on Windows. If your operating system is 64-bit, Backup and Sync will upgrade to 64-bit seamlessly. Backup and Sync will continue to run as a 32-bit process on 32-bit systems.

When copying a link to your clipboard, Backup and Sync now displays a dialog with the current link sharing setting.

Fixed an issue on macOS where Backup and Sync crashed when a synced file had emojis in the file name.

Fixed issues where Backup and Sync crashed with error EF31B9F9 or B3FD5B23.

Additional bug fixes and performance improvements.”

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