CoolStar Announces Impending Release Of Electra iOS 11.1.2 Jailbreak

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The past month has been a whirlwind of progress in terms of iOS jailbreaking. It appears as if CoolStar, a prominent jailbreaker, has announced his Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak – adding another option to the mix.

Electra iOS 11.1.2 Jailbreak

As mentioned above, the Electra iOS 11.1.2 Jailbreak has been announced, and CoolStar is marketing it as a “toolkit for tweak developers.” This phrase suggests that the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak will be aimed more toward developers seeking to test packages for iOS 11 compatibility rather than the average user looking for more control over their phone.

CoolStar sent out a tweet announcing the release of Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak, and has also since shown a screenshot of the package running on an iOS 11 iPad, which gives us a good look at the UI we can expect, courtesy of @aesign_. Also credited in the release are Ian Beer of Google (responsible for the exploit that made these jailbreaks possible), theninjaprawn, stek29, and xerub. The credit to Ian Beer does suggest that the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak is based off of the async_wake exploit released by the developer late last year that allows for jailbreaks to run off of iOS 11.1.2.

As a “toolkit for tweak developers” the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak won’t be a full unlock for the phone. The release does not include Cydia or Substrate which are usually present in full releases, although it does offer a Cydia Substrate alternative created by Comex. Without the power of Cydia and Substrate, we can’t exactly categorize this release as a full-blown jailbreak. Still, considering CoolStar’s sizeable contributions to the jailbreaking scene, it’s likely that more discoveries and more fully-featured jailbreaks and apps will be developed as the result of the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak release.

Features and Release

After installing the jailbreak and hitting the conveniently tagged “Jailbreak” button on a device running iOS 11 through iOS 11.1.2, the iPhone or iPad will be refreshed and installed with a set of tools that allow for developers to tweak their implementations with ease. Utilities shipped with the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak include Anemone, libsubstitute, Preference Loader, SSH, SCP, SFTP, and GNU command line programs. With these tools in their arsenal, developers should have a solid foundation to adjust their tweaks as needed.

The release of the iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak is apparently coming this weekend, which suggests we’ll be seeing the utility in just a few days. While the implementation may be a little complex for the average jailbreak user, it’s a valuable contribution that will make it easier for fellow developers to accomplish what they set out to do.

These past couple of months have seen incredible progress to a completely unlocked iPhone, and it’s likely that we’ll continue to see more advanced utilities and jailbreaks release in the weeks to come – perhaps better enabled by the tools provided through the Electra iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak.

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