The iPhone X Dark Interface Mode: Apple’s Dark Mode?

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The iPhone X recently hit the market, and Apple again revolutionized the way phones are used. This is fitting, considering that the iPhone X marked the tenth anniversary of the iPhone. Apple continues to change the realm of possibility in the technology industry, and the iPhone X demonstrates this. As people grow accustomed to the device, various tips for using the handset are surfacing. One of these is the iPhone X dark interface mode, a theme that’s also a helpful battery-saving hack.

The iPhone X was Apple’s first attempt to incorporate an OLED display. The iPhone X displays vivid colors which create sharp, contrasting imagery. This doesn’t, however, mean there aren’t any faults with the screen, just like any other electronic device. There are color inaccuracies when viewing the screen from certain angles, and the display uses more power to create those bright, colorful images. This is where the iPhone X dark interface mode is useful.

iPhone X dark interface mode

Many have complained about the battery capacity of smartphones, so this isn’t something specific only to the iPhone X. However, one way of addressing this issue is by displaying darker images, which requires less power. Luckily, there is a dark theme available with Apple’s iOS 11. This iPhone X dark interface mode combines this power-saving measure with the characteristics of an OLED display, and it is available to all users by accessing the settings on the handset.

“Smart Invert” is an enhanced version of Apple’s “invert colors” function, an accessibility feature found in previous iPhone models. The “Smart Invert Colors” setting allows consumers to view photos and graphics in their original form. The setting only inverts the user interface, meaning that other graphics and images are preserved in their original form. This creates a dark mode where most content remains the same.

If you prefer the “invert colors” option, it still exists, but it’s now called “Classic Invert.” Basically, with the iPhone X dark interface mode, the wallpapers and app icons don’t change, but parts like the text and status bar do.

How to activate the iPhone X dark interface mode:

By following these steps, you reverse the colors of the white and bright interfaces without touching dark-themed apps, images, and media. This creates an overall darker interface that’s conducive to power-saving and is also stylish. Though this may compromise your viewing experience to a degree, if you don’t mind a dark display and are more concerned about saving battery, Smart Invert is great. Here’s how to activate it:

Go to Settings > Accessibility, and select the “Smart Invert Colors” option under “Display Accommodations.”

Though activating the iPhone X dark interface mode will create a foreign backdrop, you’ll soon get used to it. The iPhone X dark interface mode may not be everyone, but it should satisfy user needs before an official battery-saving feature is introduced.


This is the closest thing to a true dark mode in the iPhone so far. If you’re open to the occasional photo being missed and like dark backgrounds, this feature is for you. Tweaks to the feature are likely as things transpire.

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