Mobile Usage Rises: So Does WhatsApp Usage

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Smaller screens and no keyboards have taken over the world. What are we talking about? That is right, mobile devices. More and more people every day are using mobiles worldwide, searching for information, watching videos, socializing, chatting etc. It was in 2016, when the mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage for the first time in history, by 51.3% of pages being loaded on mobile devices. Since then, the growing numbers haven’t taken an even small break. Every second of a day, thousands and thousands of activities pass through mobile messaging apps.

The mobile messaging apps are of particular interest in the era of rising mobile usage. This year mobile messaging apps hit a milestone. Currently, over 76.3% of the world’s smartphone users regularly use messaging apps. The top app among them is WhatsApp. Experts from  Play Mobi prepared a mind-blowing live infographic to show how the mobile users act each second.

WhatsApp Messenger, introduced in 2009, is a chat app for smartphones that, with almost no marketing efforts, has had enormous success ever since its inception. In 2011, only 2 years after its birth, WhatsApp was being used all over the world, with one billion messages being sent every single day.

WhatsApp’s user base has never stopped expanding.  Recently, WhatsApp hit 1 billion daily users and 1.3 billion monthly users. Do you know what that means? That means that 76% of WhatsApp’s monthly users reuse the app every day.

Great success!

Now, each day WhatsApp users socialize through the app, by sending over 55 billion messages. Out of those messages, 4.5 billion are shared photos and 1 billion are videos. Can you imagine that? While you pause for a second to digest these mesmerizing numbers, millions of WhatsApp messages are being sent all over the world.

Now, let’s look at some statistics showing the usage of WhatsApp for the last 1 minute. Yes, while you were reading this:

  • 699.99 new users were registered.
  • 29,409,722.15 messages were sent.
  • 44,814,814.77 messages were processed.
  • 1,120,369.85 photos were shared.
  • 122,540.33 statuses were updated.
  • 70,022.70 voice calls were made, and
  • 38,512.49 video calls were made.

Impressive, huh?

So, next time you use WhatsApp, just remember that you are part of the growing mobile messaging apps’ users’ community. You should be proud since that means you are keeping up with the Kardash… just joking, with the world as whole!

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