An In-Depth Look At Car Hacking

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An In-Depth Look At Car Hacking
Image source: Pixabay

Car hacking has been a concern for the motor industry for many years and today, with increased technology, the problem continues to cause problems for motorists and the car manufacturers.

Most of us want all the remote devices and ad-ons when we buy a new car, and the manufacturers willingly supply them. However, as today car’s are becoming more and more like smartphones, with apps to open the doors, start engines and flash the lights, to name but a few, the car hackers are tapping into to these new devices and apps, enabling them to follow the cars and of course, target them when the innocent owner’s, which is you, attention is elsewhere.

In this infogrphic  from Select Leasing we take a look at the origins of car hacking, along with the latest devices being offered by some of the top car manufacturers. But, perhaps more importantly we take a look at what governing agencies around the world are doing to help reduce and prevent car hacking.

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We’ve also provided some positive things you can do to help stop the car hackers making you, and your vehicle, their next target. So, read on to find out more about Cracking Cars and what’s being done to help eradicate it around the globe.

See the piece entitled “Cracking Cars: An In-Depth Look At Car Hacking”,  which will tell you all you need to know about this topic

Car Hacking

With Cars becoming more like smartphones nowadays, we thought we’d take a look at the growing concern of Car hacking, a phenomenon that’s sending chill up motorists’ and manufacturers’ spines across the globe, more efficiently than any air-conditioning unit could ever do.

However, perhaps even more importantly, well tell you what the world’s governing agencies are doing to help eradicate car hacking and what YOU can do to prevent your car from being hacked.

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