The Paris Agreement – Global Energy Efficiency [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Energy Efficiency – A look at the Paris Agreement and what it means

Controlling and minimizing energy use is a top priority of governments around the world. Its already apparent that the planet’s natural resources are running out. We all have a responsibility to sustain the global economy and care for the earth, we have to be more energy aware and we have to be more energy efficient. This will mean that less money will be spent energy home owners, businesses, schools and public buildings and the amount of money saved can be allocated to the improvement of things like as education, healthcare and social housing.

As well as saving money and being best for the overall economy conserving energy is of course, better for the planet and as time passes this will improve our standard of living and potentially our health. The Paris Agreement, a treaty agreed by almost 200 countries from around the world, focuses on goals and deadlines in reducing energy consumption.

This infographic offers information on these goals and targets and what they imply signify. It also takes a look at how well the countries are progressing and whether they are reaching their goals within the agreed time-frames. We’ve also provided some useful tips about how you can save energy at home and play your part in the helping to save the planet from global warming.

If you want to know what the United Kingdom is doing in fight to beat energy usage|, we’ll offer you some interesting points and facts on that too! Politics and government| programs and strategies can be complicated, but we’ve done dome jargon busting to help you understand the problems better.  If you want to find out more about Global Energy Efficiency take a look at our infographic below.

The Paris Agreement – Global Energy Efficiency

Global Energy Efficiency

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