Using Google Chrome: Some Tips And Tricks For Equity Analysts

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Google’s web browser can save you time by loading web pages faster (sometimes 10X faster) than other browsers.  Here are some ways in which Chrome can save you even more time:

  • Add bookmarks to the Bookmarks bar that appears when you open a new tab.
  • Add shortcuts to Chrome’s address bar, letting you access websites with fewer keystrokes.
  • Re-open closed tabs with Crtl + Shift + T.

Customize your toolbar with bookmarks

Google Chrome

Whenever you open a new tab, the Bookmarks bar will appear beneath the address bar (the address bar is the area where you type in URLs).  Add bookmarks to this toolbar with these steps:

  1. Click on the Star icon to add a new bookmark.

Google Chrome

  • Make sure that the Folder setting is set to “Bookmarks bar”

Google Chrome

  • Click Done.  The new bookmark will appear whenever you open a new tab (Crtl + T).

Add shortcuts to Chrome’s address bar

You can add shortcuts so that Chrome will search a particular website (instead of Google).  For example, suppose that you constantly search Twitter to see what people you follow are saying about a particular stock like $AAPL.

Typing in twitter $AAPL

Google Chrome

…would trigger the shortcut…

Google Chrome

…and send you to Twitter’s search…

Google Chrome

Here’s how you can add that particular Twitter search to Chrome.  First, go into Chrome’s settings.

Google Chrome

Then click on Manage search engines…

Google Chrome

Add your shortcut via “Other search engines”

Google Chrome

#1 In the first textbox, type in any name to help you remember what the shortcut is.  e.g. “Twitter search for people I follow”

#2 Type in the keyword that will trigger your shortcut.  If your keyword is twitter, then typing in twitter $AAPL in the address bar will perform a Twitter search for $AAPL.

#3 In the third box, put in the URL with %s in place of the query.  The normal URL for the Twitter search is:$AAPL&src=typd&lang=en

So, we replace $AAPL in the URL with %s, as shown below:

Copy and paste that URL (with %s) into the textbox.  Then click Done.

Examples of shortcuts to add

EDGAR – search by company name

To find obscure EDGAR filings (e.g. old companies, bankruptcies, securitization trusts, etc.), you will need to find the correct EDGAR entity.  Searching EDGAR based on the “company” name is a good way to find the correct entity.


Search Twitter, but limited to people you follow.

Sentieo – Document Search, Equity Data Terminal, Social Search

Jump to specific parts of Sentieo.

Document Search (search by ticker):

Document Search (global search):


Social search:


This website quickly shows the history of a stock’s borrowing costs.  Useful for short selling.

FAA aircraft registry

The Federal Aviation Administration’s website allows you to search aircraft registrations for their owner’s name.  This could be used to identify all of the aircraft owned by a corporation.  This may shed some light on how a company decides to spend its shareholder dollars.  Then, you can search the company’s SEC filings (e.g. with Sentieo’s Document Search) to see if those corporate aircraft were deemed material and have been disclosed in the proxy.

WHOIS websites such as Domain Tools and ICANN’s WHOIS tool

Various websites will let you pull up the domain registration records for a particular domain name.  This is occasionally useful for short selling if you think that somebody may be lying about ownership of a company.

Re-open closed tabs

Have you accidentally ever closed a tab that you didn’t want to close?  Hit Crtl + Shift T to re-open that tab.  This will even work on multiple tabs that you have accidentally closed.

Google Chrome

We hope that these tips help you save time!

Article by Sentieo

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