GTA 5 Mod Lets You Explode Things Up With Galaxy Note 7 [VIDEO]

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It doesn’t matter who you are; if you do something to get the attention of millions, you’re either going to hate it or love it. Poor Samsung of late falls into the “hate it” category, thanks to the exploding Galaxy Note 7. Because of this, the company has come under attack from all quarters; However, one new source of mockery takes its pain to another level in the form of a GTA 5 mod.

Exploding Galaxy Note 7 and the GTA 5 Mod

So why has someone gone to great lengths to create a Galaxy Note 7 GTA 5 mod? Unless you’ve been avoiding social media since the whole Note 7 exploding fiasco began, you’ll know that people have been making fun of Samsung in any and every way they can. There have been funny memes and videos, and now there is this mod which is the funniest Note 7 jab to date.

GTA 5 Mod turns Note 7 into explosive weapon

“Mod” is short for “modifications,” which are similar to tweaks and are usually done to improve how a game operates or looks. However, this GTA 5 mod falls into the realm of one-off jokes, which are my favorite kind.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is the first GTA 5 mod with a funny side. Last year, mods constructed a multi-story skate ramp and allowed a whale to be dropped from the Sky. This year’s inclusion of the Note 7 was created by modder HitmanNiko and was obviously inspired by the exploding battery fiasco.

If you watch the video below, you’ll see that the GTA 5 mod replaces the sticky explosives with the Note 7. And just like the real-world Note, the battery on this virtual one explodes too. However, for the game, a touch of Hollywood has been added, giving the handset just a little more boom!

As mods go, this is a bit late to the Samsung misfortune party, but it must have taken some time and dedication to complete, as it’s nothing like touching up an image in Photoshop.

Could this be a positive for Samsung?

This GTA 5 mod could be seen as free advertising and potentially positive, as no publicity is bad publicity, or so some say. It’s clear that not everything is rosy for Samsung at the moment. Right now, it’s still in the middle of a recall. Just last week it estimated that up to 60% of possible defective handsets were still in circulation, and it has been reported that some users with replacement handsets have experienced the same issue again.

If you want to get your hands on this GTA 5 mod, it’s available from the 5Mods website. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on any version other than the PC edition.

So there you have it; you can now walk the street of GTA 5, throwing Galaxy Note 7 handsets to your heart’s content. However, here’s a question for you. Will the exploding iPhone 7 be getting its own GTA 5 mod soon?

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