Warren Buffett Blasts Donald Trump

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While many believe that Donald Trump is not nearly as rich as he claims, he likely is a billionaire. However, he’s clearly not enjoying a good relationship with other billionaires. At the Democratic National Convention, former NYC mayor, Republican billionaire Michael Bloomberg ripped into Trump with his endorsement of Hillary Clinton and yesterday saw Warren Buffett blast into Trump.

Warren Buffett Takes Down Donald Trump
Image source: YouTube Video Screenshot

Trump’s “billions” pale and criticism grows

Donald Trump’s unwillingness to release his tax returns as well as personal branding of the simple name “Trump” at billions, demands that is wealth is labeled “billions.”

Speaking at a campaign event with Hillary Clinton on Monday in Omaha in the hopes of securing her a single electoral college vote in the firmly “Red State” that splits its votes by congressional districts, Buffett made it clear that he’s far from on the Trump Train.

With luminaries from both parties tearing into Trump for his criticism of Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala Khan, a gold star family who lost their Muslim son killed in Iraq, Buffett used the stage to add his criticism on the subject. “How in the world can you stand up to a couple of parents who lost a son and talk about sacrificing because you were building a bunch of buildings?” he asked. “Have you decency, sir?”

The questioning of decency was reminiscent of a question asked of Joe McCarthy that essentially knocked him out of politics.

Buffet’s and others criticism was also joined by Senator John McCain yesterday in nothing short of strong language.

“I cannot emphasize how deeply I disagree with Mr Trump’s statement,” wrote Mr McCain who also has a tough fight ahead to win election in November. “I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates.”

Buffett mocks Trump’s business acumen

The Oracle of Omaha laughed off Trump’s Atlantic City casino company after it went public in 1995 and failed miserably.

“If a monkey had thrown a dart at the stock page [that year], the monkey on average would have made 150 per cent. But the people that believed in him, who listened to his siren song, ended up losing well over 90 cents in the dollar.”

While Nebraska will certainly go to Trump, Buffett’s criticism of Trump is welcome nonetheless, especially from a man who generally stays out of Politics.

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