Study Says Man Buns Lead To Hair Loss

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It turns out that certain popular hairstyles are associated with hair loss and should be modified to avoid becoming bald.

A new study suggests that keeping your locks depends on more than just using the right shampoo and conditioner. Researchers at John Hopkins University have revealed that there is a strong correlation between hairstyles that pull on the roots and hair loss.

Man buns linked to hair loss in new study

If you use a man bun, a ponytail, cornrows or other high traction hairstyles, here is your guide to keeping your hair safe. After all the best way to protect yourself from something is to inform yourself about it.

Alopecia is a blanket term for hair loss, which contains many main types as well as subdivisions. The most widely known version is alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in patches over different parts of the body as the immune system attacks hair follicles.

Women can also suffer from androgenetic alopecia, which leads to diffused thinning of the hair on the scalp due to fluctuations in the level of a hormone called androgen. The kind of alopecia mentioned in this latest study is not caused by the autoimmune system nor by hormone levels, but by our own choices.

Vary your hairstyle to prevent traction alopecia

People who regularly pull their hair in order to make it into a certain style may later suffering from traction baldness. It’s not always obvious when this is happening, with the pulling so gentle that it is hardly noticeable until your hair starts thinning.

Some hairstyle have been found to be more likely to encourage traction alopecia than others. Among the worst offenders are ponytails, dreadlocks, cornrows, tight braids, headbands and hairpieces that are worn tightly.

Other behavior can also encourage traction alopecia. Constant brushing, pulling on the hair to dry it and using rollers can all cause the condition. The habit of pulling and twisting the hair on a regular basis, known as Trichotillomania, can also encourage hair loss.

It is thought that obesity is also a risk factor for the condition. This means that it could be far more complex than previously thought.

Tips and tricks for preventing condition

Treating alopecia is a two-pronged process. First you have to control the way that you treat your hair, and second you have to pay more attention to your general health.

The best way to keep an eye on traction alopecia is to check your hair growth on a regular basis. By monitoring the state of your hair you can take action swiftly if you notice any worrying changes.

If you use one of the risky hairstyles used above, consider letting your hair fall loose for while. If you can’t imagine life without your current hairstyle, try to use a looser version of it. A looser bun logically reduces the stress on the hair.

Try to vary your hairstyle on a regular basis so that the stress on the roots does not become constant. If you use hair extensions, gels or sprays that make brushing more different, try to cut down on how much you use them.

In general terms it is best to lose weight so that you are not suffering from obesity. Health problems such as thyroid conditions can also be linked to hair loss, so keep on eye on thyroid levels.

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