iOS 9 Problems: Users Report Lagging, Crashing

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The launch of the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system is suffering some problems.

Many users who tried to download the update following the official launch were left frustrated by error messages. The problem was apparently caused by heavy traffic on Apple’s servers, but now that more people have been able to start using iOS 9 it appears that there are more issues with the update.

Internet users vent frustrations with iOS 9 update

A thread has appeared on MacRumors, with plenty of users complaining about lagginess and other problems, while other users have taken to Twitter to complain. Apple is surely disappointed by the problems with iOS 9, which was promoted with great fanfare.

One Twitter user known as Jen Hernandez has even threatened violence against her Apple device. “The lag my phone now has because of iOS9 makes me want to throw it out the window,” she wrote.

The problems have been dubbed “lag gate” by Christian Zibreg of the iDownload Blog. “Some folks are even going as far as to suggest that iOS 9 is laggier than iOS 8. Unfortunately, I’m one of them as well,” he wrote.

While the majority of users are complaining about overall lag, some are suffering more extreme problems such as system crashes and devices that have simply ceased to function. While certain problems may have been expected for users of older Apple devices, the issues also seem to be occurring on newer devices.

Apple must fix glitches quickly to prevent user backlash

9to5Mac published an article with an attached poll in response to the sheer volume of complaints related to the update. The poll shows that a small but significant number of respondents have reported problems with lag.

“As always seems to happen with new versions of iOS, not all users are satisfied,” reads the article. It must be said that the large majority of updates cause problems for a minority of users, and Apple has a good record of fixing glitches.

The concern is that the large number of complainants may influence uptake of the new operating system until Apple can fix the obvious problems. Those who have already downloaded the update must keep the faith that Apple will find a solution quickly.

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