Brazil – The Sprouting Market For Manganese Fertilizers [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Brazil produces 30% of the world’s soybeans and is also the crop’s #1 exporter with 41% of all shipments. Growth in soybean production is not stopping, and it continues to expand by 14.1% per year in Amazonian states, covering over eight million hectares.

However, there is a major problem for these farmers. This soil tends to be low in manganese micronutrients. Balanced plant nutrition with micronutrients can increase soybean yield by approximately 30%, yet manganese is the most common deficiency noted in soybean production in Brazil. Without it, farmers cannot maximize crop yield or revenues.

H/T Visual Capitalist

Brazil – The Sprouting Market For Manganese Fertilizers

Brazil Manganese Fertilizers Infographic

Infographic source: Cancana

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