Pat Dorsey @Google “The Little Book That Builds Wealth”

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Pat Dorsey @Google “The Little Book That Builds Wealth

Published on Jan 16, 2015

What does it mean for a company to have a moat? What are the key drivers to valuation? Pat Dorsey will use examples to shed light on these, and more questions.

“A detailed exploration of Warren Buffet’s “wide economic moat” concept – how to find companies with a true in-built competitive advantage.” (Financial Times, Tues 26th February)

“Pat Dorsey…discusses in an easy to read style why economic moats are such great indicators of long term performance.” (Pensions World, October 2008)

About the Book:
Capitalism works. That’s why most businesses with high returns on capital attract competition that forces down profitability over time. However, a small minority of companies are able to defy the laws of economic gravity by creating competitive advantages, or “economic moats” that insulate them from competition and allow them to maintain high returns on capital. After spending fifteen years analyzing thousands of companies, Pat has identified a handful of structural characteristics that create competitive advantage. He will discuss these characteristics, how management teams can create and destroy competitive advantage, and how he applies competitive analysis in managing institutional capital at Dorsey Asset Management.

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