Could Twitter Inc Help You Earn $500,000 A Year?

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Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) has become the source of big bucks for 23-year old Kris Sanchez, who tweets facts under the account @UberFacts, a twitter account followed by 7.2 million followers. Just last year Sanchez earned a startling $500,000 for tweeting sponsored links, according to a report from Fast Company.

How this works?

Sanchez earns between $.01-.03/click for every click. This multiplied by a few sponsored links in a day and a couple of hundred thousand followers over 365 days in a year, adds up to big bucks. For mobile, there is an UberFacts App that contributes nearly $60,000 per week in ad revenue. Sanchez posts facts on Twitter approximately 60-70 times a day.

Explaining his work, Sanchez mentioned a company named social reactor, which connects social media influencers with advertisers, and provides him with galleries or other web pages that Sanchez links to the tweet. Sanchez receives payment for every click on the pages. He has also entered into a deal with companies like Ford and Paramount, where a fact tweeted along with a link and hashtag brings in cash.

What inspired Sanchez to join Twitter

However, Sanchez did not think in his wildest dreams that he could earn this kind of money by doing something that others do for free. He said that his idea of joining Twitter was to follow Britney Spears adding that he didn’t have anything to tweet about. “So I figured, hey, tweeting these facts would be a really good idea. It was just so I could feel like I was closer to her,” he told Fast Company.

Britney does not follow Sanchez on Twitter, but he got this life changing idea for himself because of her.  As a college dropout he went back to his hometown Brooklyn, and started tweeting the facts during his dance auditions and before and after his job as an after-school counselor that paid $250 per week. At first, Sanchez tweeted while sitting in his apartment after waking up and sitting in front of his computer before going to work. He realized later that tweeting these interesting facts at the right time of the day could earn him more followers, and so he started tweeting 60-70 times a day. And the rest is history.

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