Google Glass Can Cause Addiction: Study

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New medical research confirms that Google Glass can lead to addiction. A new study that was published in the Sept. 26th edition of the journal Addictive Behavior highlighted the case of a 31-year-old San Diego man who became addicted to Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s new wearable device.

Case of Google Glass addiction

The San Diego case involved a 31-year-old man who checked in to the Navy’s Substance Abuse and Recovery Program for alcoholism treatment was also treated for a Google Glass addiction. The researchers noted the man “exhibited significant frustration and irritability related to not being able to use his Google Glass.”

The article notes that the man has a history of substance abuse, depressive disorder, anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Apparently the man was using his Google Glass for up to 18 hours a day most the last few months months before his admission to the program in September of 2013. The man wore and used the device at work and even claimed he felt more confident in social situations if he was wearing it. The article notes the man only  removed the device when sleeping or bathing.

Powerful withdrawal symptoms

The article points out that this is the first documented case of Internet addiction disorder involving Google Glass IAD is not officially recognized in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but it is commonly accepted by mental health professionals.

“Individuals with IAD manifest severe emotional, social, and mental dysfunction in multiple areas of daily activities due to their problematic use of technology and the internet,” the study abstract notes.

The researchers highlight that Google Glass users reach for the device often, tapping the devices by their temples; the patient in the study did this repeatedly, even though the device was not there.

The study also noted: “He reported that if he had been prevented from wearing the device while at work, he would become extremely irritable and argumentative.”

The man experienced withdrawal symptoms from Google Glass during the rehab treatment that he said were significantly worse than the withdrawal he went through from alcohol.

The patient reported less irritability and was no longer repeatedly moving his hand to his temple after the end of the 35 day program. Doctors noted, however, that the man continued to “intermittently experience dreams as if looking through the device.”

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