Universal Traveler: A 7 Stage Guide to the Creative Process From 1972

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Here is an excerpt from 250words.com on a guide to creative process from 1972 and then a little something on the The Universal Traveler by Don Koberg.

Creativity feels like a journey. It starts with a hunch, and persists beyond the last sentence. After the ink has dried, we feel the itch to expand or erase, so we return and we revise. The paradox is every edit produces more choice. We inch closer and closer, yet each step forward is followed by a step in another direction. Creativity is a journey. But it resembles a scribble, and not a line.

That’s the good news. To be creative is to follow an intuition, but not too closely. If our plans are rigid–if we don’t pay attention to peripheral ideas–we risk cutting off accidental discoveries. Wrong turns are inevitable; the hope is that one will turn out to be fruitful.

Given the circuitous nature of creativity, it would help to have a guide. That, at least, is the premise of The Universal Traveler, a charming booklet filled with fun illustrations and practical advice about the creative process, with an emphasis on the idea that we should treat creativity as a journey and not an isolated moment of insight. Because the The Universal Traveler is so visual, I copied and scanned my favorite illustrations.

The 7 Stages of the Universal Traveler Model of the Creative Process

Universal Traveler

The 11 “Tourist Traps”

If creativity is a journey, the trick is not avoiding wrong turns–they’re inevitable–but knowing that you’ve made one. It’s tempting to aimlessly pursue an idea, believing that it is the key to reaching the end goal, but such detours are costly if we can’t recognize the futile ones from the fruitful ones. Here are 11 tourist traps to look out for.

Universal Traveler

See full article by 250words.com

The Universal Traveler by Don Koberg

The Universal Traveler will open your eyes to effective and stimulating formulas for solving problems. Discover how techniques developed in specialized disciplines can be applied to almost any business, social, or personal situation.

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