Mysterious Giant Crater Found Near ‘end of world’ In Siberia

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A cryptic crater was found in Siberia in the part known as “end of the world,” according to Siberian Times. The video shows that the crater is 260 foot wide and has taken the region by surprise, and a team of Russian scientists were about to arrive today to examine the origin of the crater and to disapprove some of the prior theories like UFO landing site and weapons testing, etc.

Speculations over the formation

According to a spokesman of the government, the crater has not been formed due to any meteor strike. As per a geologic theory by it might be a possibility that due to increasing temperatures permafrost melted and released natural gas, which one researcher has compared to a champagne-cork effect. The region has an abundance of gas and crater has formed only 20 miles from Russia’s huge Bovanenkovo gas field.

There are wide speculations that the hole might have been the end result of some sort of an underground explosion. The theory sits on the fact that the earth appears to have been pushing up from underground.

Is the Crater a ‘pingo’?

An Australian scientist said that the crater looked like a “pingo,” which is a huge chunk of ice that is settled under the soil. The University of New South Wales polar scientist Dr Chris Fogwill says it is a remarkable land form. “This is obviously a very extreme version of that, and if there’s been any interaction with the gas in the area, that is a question that could only be answered by going there,” Dr Fogwill said.

The video of the crater is trending online after a Russian engineer took an aerial video of the crater. Those who saw the video for the first time said that the structure is fake, but according to Fogwill, pingos are natural phenomena and can be very large. He said that global warming might give ways to more pingos, in the future.

The permafrost area has been more active compared to the historical trend, which is the direct outcome of high-degrees of warming around the high arctic areas, where the effect of warming is at its highest, according to Dr. Fogwill.

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