How To Add FIFA World Cup Schedule To Your Google Calendar

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The long-awaited FIFA World Cup is just a few days away, and obviously soccer fans around the world are eagerly looking forward to the event. Fans are also getting ready to support their favorite team, and discussions have already started on which team has the best chance to win the World Cup. So if you’re also excited about this huge sports event, then you’ll need to know the schedule for all the matches.

Obviously there are many websites and blogs where you can see a detailed schedule of the World Cup matches, but it would be more convenient if you would add the entire schedule of World Cup to your personal Google Calendar.

Steps to add FIFA World Cup schedule to your Google Calendar

So let’s learn how to add all the World Cup details to your Google Calendar. Just follow the simple instructions below.

Step 1: Login to the web version of Google Calendar from

Step 2: Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to see the “Other calendars” section on the left sidebar. From there, click on the small drop-down arrow and then click on “Add by URL.”

Step 3: In the window that pops up, add the following URL:

After adding the URL, click on the  “Add Calendar” button.

You’ll now see that the World Cup schedule has instantly been added to your calendar. If you’re not able to see it, then refresh the page. The 2014 World Cup schedule is now available across all of your devices.

One other bit of good news is that all the dates and timing will be converted into your local time zone so that you don’t have to worry about converting to local Brazil time zones.

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