HoverReader Lets You Read Articles With Just A Hover On The Link

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The Internet is full of information, sometimes useful and sometimes useless. However, you have to search for what you are looking for. However there are so many links on every website that you have to think whether you’re going to click or not.

HoverReader: Read content on the web with just a simple hover on the link

However, now there’s a Chrome extension that promises to solve the problem of whether you should click on that link or not. This extension known as HoverReader allows you to read articles by simply hovering over a link. Once it is installed, you simply have to hover on the link which you want to read, and then you’ll be able to see a small window with the full text of the article. You won’t need to actually visit that link to read the content.

To continue reading, and to scroll, you can press the up and down arrow keys, use your touchpad or use your mouse’s scroll wheel. Remember that when reading the article, you shouldn’t move your cursor away from the link or else the window will disappear.

HoverReader can also be installed in a jiffy and doesn’t even require any browser restart. It also adds a button to Chrome’s toolbar. Clicking on it opens some tips and a donate button, and apart from that, there are no settings. It would be great if the extension offered a simple setting to change the font and/or the font size. But still, the extension does perform its job very well.

As per the developer, you can use this method to read content on various popular online newspapers. Apart from that, as per personal testing, it also works on Facebook. In short, the extension should work on nearly every website. Using HoverReader is very convenient, as it makes it possible to “surf the web” without actually visiting any websites. This saves you both time and bandwidth since your system just has to load the text and not the whole page.

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