The 10 Types Of Facebook Friends To Avoid

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Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users encounter a wide variety of News Feed stories every day. We frequently see posts from unverified sources, but with outrageous titles that compel us to click on the link and read. And yes, these posts are shared by none other than our friends. College Humor has compiled a list of 10 types of Facebook friends we all have, but few of us want. Let’s get to know each of them.

The 10 Types Of Facebook Friends To Avoid

1: The habitual reposter

Those Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users who have nothing to say can say a lot on social, thank to the engineer who came up with the “share” option. Their posts consist of e-cards, “share if you agree”, unfunny memes, and “click to see what happens.” That annoys people whose entire News Feed is stuffed with such posts.

2: The ignorant entertainers

These Facebookers are sure as hell that literacy, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation are for nerds. Complimenting them are their vague (and full of errors) status updates. They never fail to entertain with their self-destructive and melodramatic posts.

3: The #Hashtag addicts

These Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) hipsters have made it a mission to ruin Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) as well. You can’t decipher their symbol-ridden, absurdly abbreviated posts that look like a vaguely familiar foreign language. Even if you spend some time to understand what they have written, you end up realizing that it wasn’t worth the effort. You simply ignore their post when it appears next time in your News Feed.

4: The uplifters

These Facebook friends are always busy posting an inspirational quote scribbled over a landscape or a personal epiphany. Though it looks like they are trying to help alleviate the misery of their friends, in reality, it’s self-medication for them and yet another irritating post for the rest of us.

5: The shameless self-promoters

These leeches reach out only when they need something, or want to promote their businesses/services. Come to my webinar, read my blog, join my membership forum, watch my video, buy my product, sign up for my newsletter, are the kinds of posts you see when such ingrates beg for undeserved attention.

6: The prominent parent

These Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users are usually concerned about the privacy of their children on social network. But they don’t mind openly sharing the entire lives of their kids online. Imagine how potential employers would respond a few years from now, when they Google the kid’s name and find images of how they struggled with potty training.

7: And then there are some speed bumps on Facebook

These are the guys and girls we love hearing from. Their insightful or funny posts are a welcome change from the gym check-ins and tired cat memes. But the truth is that what appears to be a casual observation by these individuals, most of the times these are carefully crafted sentences, revised dozens of times.

8: The self-obsessed Facebook friends

These selfie collectors never miss a chance to get their next Facebook profile photo. In fact, these self-obsessed people have no need for a rear camera. Whether it’s their child’s first step or a friend’s wedding, they will definitely cram their face into 70% of the photo.

9: The food lovers

If these self-proclaimed “Foodies” aren’t reposting Pinterest recipes, they begin to post photos of their own meals. Sometimes their camera phone and lighting really suck, so the chocolate mousse appears like mud on a 5-star plate.

10: The armchair activists

They are out to save the world from the comfort of their home. They will defend you from illegal migrants, genetically modified foods, socialism, and even ghosts. Most of their posts are baseless and from unverified sources. These Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) users are too busy saving the world to check facts.

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