Facebook, Twitter Release Google Glass Apps

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Google Glass is nowhere near where it will be when the company finally makes them available for sale in 2014. Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) recently announced that it is working on pricing and that information will be made public by the end of the year. Presumably, that means that Google is not going to be ready for the holiday season. Who can blame them? While we all are unaware of the initial price point, there are nowhere near enough apps to justify even $1000, to say nothing of the social stigma that has been attached to the device well before its release.

Facebook, Twitter Release Google Glass Apps

Facebook & Twitter Apps For Google Glass

But that’s changing, as was evidenced by both Twitter and Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) releasing apps today for Google Glass. It’s no surprise that these came at the same time that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is hosting its developers conference this week in San Francisco.

Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s app for Google Glass will allow users to share any photo from Glass and post it directly to their Timeline. In addition to simply adding a bridge between Glass and its platform, Facebook will also allow users to speak a caption for the photo. In order to do this, Facebook and Glass users will first have to visit their “My Glass” page to select who they will share the photo with—only the user, friends, or the public. From there the user will receive a notification from Facebook, the photo taken with the Facebook logo, and from there be allowed to caption.

In addition to Facebook’s app, Twitter has also joined the Glass community. Twitter has developed an app that allows users to, well, … use Twitter. All that you’ve come to expect from Twitter will be available. That is, Twitter’s app will allow the user to  tweet photos and text, as well as reply to, retweet, or favorite tweets and notifications.

There is little chance that the two apps released today will resemble the apps as they will become when Google Glass is released to the public. But, for tech writers and gadget aficionados, today marks the day when Glass has seen the “big two” of social media install themselves before The Borg.

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