Warren Buffett Is on a Radical Track

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Front page article from Time magazine on Warren Buffett (January 23rd edition). Warren Buffett Is on a Radical TrackYou have to be a subscriber to read full article.

Brief excerpt below:

Warren Buffett believes in making money. He believes in fairness. He believes in the ability of government to make people’s lives better. But most of all, he believes in luck.

“I’ve had all this good fortune,” Buffett says. “It starts with being born in this country, though. It starts with being born male in 1930.”

Genes, luck and birthplace may have helped make Buffett the world’s third richest man. But in the past year, his good fortune has also turned him into one of America’s most unexpected radicals. He’s an ardent capitalist who is demanding higher taxes on the rich and

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2104309,00.html#ixzz1jUScWNjW

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