Charlie Munger: Seeing The Chain Letter Aspects Of The Game

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Charlie Munger talks about the types of people he does not do business with.

Charlie Munger On People Not To Do Business With


You recognize that he have some flaws. OK. So you talking about against the censors. Do I know I carry everything because I’m all for Mackenzie killing came out me again. There are a lot of manipulative types of cancer. So is it just simply an observation of the people were so why take the factors you need to look at she went looking. First of all I could see the chain letter aspects of the game and the huge leverage the huge it was just. Sort of building a chain letter. It’s in transit. So it is honorable thing to do this year in nature. You’re. Doing something you can’t continue on. So no you’re making it look like it will. So it’s a transit. We are in this office so I don’t like Chandler operators, I don’t like drunks. I don’t like people. I like people raise prices on drugs. People have a half by 500 percent overnight just doesn’t work. It’s a lot of flags were flying.

Charlie Munger – How To Work For Berkshire Hathaway


You say I get a million letters from people who want to go to work with Berkshire or want to come work.

I almost get a check for fifty thousand dollars I will pay this to work for you. I say send the 50000 back. I will say it’s a kind of a brash thing to do. I kind of admire it [inaudible] when I was young myself but I’m not looking for another starting. I’m playing the game. Anybody who’s playing [inaudible] the end game when they are 93 is crazy. It’s an end game.

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