Leaked NSA Document re Russian Hacking – But We Warned A Year Ago

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Professor Had Warned About Russian Hacking of U.S. 2016 Presidential Election voting Systems long before recent NSA bombshell was published

A federal contractor has just been charged with leaking a top secret NSA report which described how Russian military hackers targeted U.S. voting systems in the 2016 presidential election, and claiming that this cyber attack was more far reaching than had previously been believed.

Interestingly, several clear warnings about just how vulnerable our voting systems was to foreign hacking were issued before the election, even while many so-called experts were downplaying any such possibility, and when most of the nation’s attention was focused on Russian attempts to influence the presidential election by releasing emails and other embarrassing information, not by hacking.

In a series of warnings published on Breitbart, Professor John Banzhaf wrote, among others: “This Presidential Election Could Be Hacked, Perhaps by a Foreign Power,” “Hacker with Off-the-Shelf Malware Can Steal More Votes Than Any Corrupt Politician,” “Yes, the Election Can Be Rigged,” and “We Are Heading into a Perfect Storm’ of Election Fraud.”

Banzhaf is also the author of: “Two States’ Election Systems Hacked – Presidential Election at Risk; New Foreign Computer Threats Add to Old Fashioned Ballot Fraud Techniques to Create Real Risk That 2016 Presidential Election Will Be Decided by Hackers, Not Voters, Says Former Hacker and Now Law Professor.”

Although writing as a law professor, Banzhaf was himself a hacker, and was recently credited with helping to inspire hacker terminology after he learned hacking at MIT in the 1950s even before there was an Internet or any personal computers.

He also obtained the first copyright ever registered on computer programs, using two which he wrote to make this legal breakthrough in protection for intellectual property, and was instrumental in having U.S. copyright law amended to deal with computers and data processing.

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