[Infographic] 13 Awesome Wi-Fi Facts Everyone Should Know

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Almost every one of us is using Wi-Fi and they it has become an important aspect of our day to day life. With more and more usage of browsing the internet people are using Wi-Fi. There are a lot of devices for home and entertainment which needs the connectivity. Wifi exchange data among smartphones, computers etc. Wi-Fi was earlier known with many different names – Flank Speed, Dragon Fly, Wave Lan and others before Wi Fi name was finalized.

There are various apps that are built for use over Wi Fi networks. From watching videos, chatting with friends, browsing Facebook and other social media sites the tech usage has increased over the years.

The team at Wavedirect have put together an interesting infographic on the topic – 13 Awesome Wi-Fi facts everyone should know. The infographic has some amazing facts and information about  the tech technology that many even many Wi Fi users are also not aware of. So explore the infographic on facts about wifi you probably didn’t know below and if you do like the information then share it with other too.

Wi-Fi is a radio signal and you are not connected with wires through Wifi It can travel from few meters to kilometres too. Do you know which company invented the term Wi-Fi and its logo? The tech is freely available at many public places like airports, restaurants and railway stations etc. Many hotels offer free Wifi to their guests as a basic amenity or facility.

As the tech is based on IEEE 802.11 standard it s also referred as 802.11 technology. Dynamic rate scaling is a feature of  Wifi which varies the Wifi connection speed as per the distance. Electrical appliances such as microwave, copy machines, TV etc interfere with wireless signals so keep them off when not in use to get good connectivity with Wifi.


 Wifi Wi-Fi

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