How To Use Cydia Extender To Install Yalu102 Jailbreak [PC Not Required]

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Are you tired of having to resign or reinstall the Yalu102 jailbreak every 7-days? If that’s you, you’re not alone. Fortunately, a solution has become available, one that doesn’t require the use of a computer. Called Cydia Extender this new tool removes some the tiresome steps you’ve had to take enabling you to enjoy your jailbreak.

ios 10/10.2 jailbreak Cydia Extender

Cydia Extender

Created by Jay Freeman, aka Saurik who is well-known among those who frequent the jailbreaking community. It was launched as part of the last Cydia Impactor release and installs itself as an app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Now, as we mentioned above this tool can be used to install apps without the need of a computer. However, soon after launch, a flaw was discovered, one which meant a paid Apple ID was required for it to work. Fortunately, more work has been done to allow us to overcome this problem and use a free Apple ID, here’s how to use it…

Getting Ready

During the course of the following tutorial, we will be asking you to use your device’s browser; please update it now. Additionally, we will require you to download various files and remember specific codes. So make sure you have a pen and piece of paper to hand. Lastly, as this is a multiple step process which you’re probably not familiar with, be cautious. Do not act on an individual step until you understand it.

How To Use Cydia Extender

1. To start with add this URL in the correct repository as a source within Cydia.

2. With the above completed Cydia will refresh its sources, once that is complete search for the Cydia Extender Installer Package. This is the altered version that does not require a paid Apple ID.

3. Next, search for the MTerminal package and install it. Followed by doing the same with a file manager like iFile. Both packages can be found in the BiggBoss repository.

4. Now that you have the iFile package installed, go to /var/containers/Bundle/Application/yalu102/ Once there open the file: embedded.mobileprovision this can be done using a text editor. Withing this file there is a Team ID Code, you will find it under ApplicationIdentifierPrefix key.

5. Moving on you should now open the MTerminal app that you installed in step 3. Once open, type the command SU and then the Root Passowrd.Type the command su, and then enter the root password. The default passowrd is alpine assuming you haven’t changed it. Next, enter cyextender followed by a space and the Team ID Code you took note of earlier.

Remove The Yalu102 Jailbreak

Before moving on you should make sure that your Yalu102 jailbreak has been removed from your device.

When the above is complete allow Cydia Extender to be installed, now there is the chance that you may be asked to install a VPN. You should enable that to happen.

6. Next, close Cydia Extender and disable it from the App Switcher. Followed by rebooting your iOS device and then placing it back into jailbreak mode.

7. Once your device is ready for use again, launch Cydia Extender and wait for it to auto launch the Safari Browser. Safari will direct you to an IP address and require a Profile to be installed.

It will open in the Settings app you should install it now. However, it will also that you enter a device passcode, enter it now.

8. Next, in Safari go to followed by selecting the Blue IPA Label. In the following popup select More, then Cydia Extender from the share sheet. This will alow the .IPA file</em to be opened.

9. Cydia Extender will now launch again, requiring you to enter your free Apple ID. Select Attempt allow the app to do its thing.

10. When the above process has been completed, you will be prompted to install Yalu102 inside of Cydia Extender. You need to allow this process to begin and then be patient.

What To Do When The Certificate Expires

In 7-days, as usual, the license of the app will expire, when this happens got to General >> Profiles & Device Management and remove the Cydia Extender Profile installed in earlier, and follow from step 8 again.

And that’s it, you’re now ready to use your jailbreak.

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