How To Text And Sext With Invisible Ink Feature Of iOS 10

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This week has been a huge week in tech, we’ve had E3 with all of the noise coming from that exhibition and Apple with its Worldwide developer conference. With regard to Apple and its WWDC, this year saw the introduction of iOS 10 the long-awaited update of its mobile operating system and with it the promise that this year’s update would revolutionize the way in which you text and sext, thanks to one little feature called invisible Ink.

What is Invisible Ink?

If you ever feel the need for a little discretion Invisible Ink lets you send words or an image in a message that look like scattered dots until they are swiped over by you or a receiver. When you’ve sent a message using Invisible Ink and the person you’re sending it to opens the message it will revert back to its original state (Scattered dots) after a short period of time. This means that no one can see the message unless they swipe it, which can be a great way to send covert messages.

Actually, here’s a thought, if Apple was to allow its fingerprint recognition tech to work with Invisible Ink it would be even more covert and a great way to send your wife or husband the odd flirtatious text.

And if you think this sounds a lot like SnapChat, it’s actually nothing like it at all. The message won’t disappear after a certain amount of time, but it will return to its covert state. To keep it visible, you will have to continually swipe it to remove the dots, so if you like to send the odd nude pic, Invisible Ink will allow you to be sure of keeping your privacy intact than sending a message with iMessage.

How to send an Invisible Ink Message with iOS 10

The first thing you need to do is, find the photo want to send or type a message. Then using 3D Touch, push it as you should and choose the send arrow to pull up the new bubble effect options.
Next, you need to choose the Invisible Ink feature. Press it and it will apply the effect I’ve mentioned to your photo or message.

My advice to you, when using this is to think about what you send carefully before you hit the SEND button! Hey, and come and let us know how you got on with it, did you find it increased your level of covertness?

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