The Changing Face of UK Energy [INFOGRAPHIC]

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The Changing Face of UK Energy [INFOGRAPHIC]

It is no secret that the way the UK produces and uses energy has changed drastically over recent years. Nor that these changes are constantly being debated and argued over in the nation’s press. What sometimes get lost in these discussions are the bare facts of how the country produces and uses energy.

This infographic provides an easy snapshot of the current energy situation in the UK. Through this we can see how our energy production has evolved over time. Coal, for example, once provided the vast majority of the United Kingdom’s power. Yet in 2015 coal was overtaken by renewable energy for the first time, when renewable energy provided one quarter of the UK’s electricity.

Indeed, the key message to take from this infographic could well be the rise of renewable energy in the UK energy market, as the push by successive governments for green energy has led to a vast increase in the number of renewable energy sources being utilised.

Another key issue is how this energy is being used, so for this we have looked at which sectors use the most energy. Perhaps unsurprisingly it is the transport sector that uses the most energy (38%), followed by domestic usage at 27%.

This, of course, takes quite a macro look at the UK energy market. To make it more obviously relevant to the individual, the piece finally covers where the money you pay annually for energy is actually going and compares home energy usage in the UK with the US. Unsurprisingly heating accounts for about twice as much domestic energy usage in the UK.

The Changing Face of UK Energy by Cast Iron Radiators 4u
The Changing Face of UK Energy by Cast Iron Radiators 4u.

UK Energy

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