Microsoft Corporation Adds Security Measures To Windows 10

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Microsoft have responded to the need for corporations and governments all over the world to focus on cyber security concerns as they become more and more dangerous each day.

Microsoft comes strong with identity and network protection

In order to protect users from potential identity theft, Microsoft has rolled out Microsoft Password that allows users of enrolled devices to go through an authentication procedure that doesn’t make it easy on pernicious hackers and those determined to get into their lives. It combines the bio-metrics of face, fingerprint and iris authentication with a personal identification number (PIN) to keep others out of the network. Owing to the fact that hackers rarely have access to devices physically, it’s an innovative way for employees and employers alike to keep malcontents out of a network when you combine fingerprint identification with facial gestures and a PIN.

Microsoft also rolled-out Credential Guard to make malware attacks less effective by separating credential authentication from the rest of the network.

“We’re seeing increasingly brazen cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are well organized with an alarming emergence of state-sponsored attacks, cyber-espionage and cyber terror. Even with the best defense, sophisticated attackers are using social engineering and zero-day vulnerabilities to break-in to corporate networks,”  Terry Myerson, Microsoft’s executive vice president of the windows and device group wrote in a blog post describing the new product, Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection on Tuesday.

Also in this package is Device Guard that allows users to essentially make it impossible to install malware on a device by pre-authorizing applications that can be run.

Microsoft scores big until one of these additions fails

Lastly, Windows 10 has been optimized for the removal of spyware once it has been detected. This is done with the running of Windows 10 in the background while downloads are repeatedly scanned along with other potential unwanted invaders before they’re allowed to run. Users will not need to continually restart their machines in order to get updates to anti-virus software, Windows 10 will just do the work while network users do theirs.

Governments and companies alike will enjoy Microsoft’s attention to detail with this package as it looks to stomp out potential network attacks.

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