Intel Corporation Launches New And More Efficient Xeon Chip

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Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) launched its latest microprocessor version of Xeon chips for the business organization, which is three times faster than the previous models. The chipmaker said that its new Xeon -2600v3 is available in 26 variations along with core circuitry for up to 18-processors compared to 12-processors cores in Xeon chips.

 Xeon chips much more efficient

Intel has been credited with converting x86 chip designs for personal computers to suit the requirements of the server. In the second-quarter, Intel shipped 97.8% of total server chips sold, according to Mercury research.

With increasing competition in the server’s field, the chipmaker is making efforts to diversify in data centers. Intel is looking forward to switching software applications based on Xeon chips with special-purpose networking and data-storage hardware under a trend called “software-defined infrastructure,” which according to experts could lower the costs and facilitate quicker deployment.

Xeon from Intel is designed to perform functions beyond the normal computing features. The chip is equipped to fetch data from other parts of the system faster than the previous products. A Xeon powered system, using new solid-state disk drives, can improve computing jobs by six times, according to Bryant.

Intel said the chips range in price from $213 to $2,702 in quantities of 1,000 or more. Also, Xeon processor E5-1600 workstations will be available in six parts with price from $295 to $1,723. The company stated that the new Xeon chip includes specialized circuitry for performing tasks such as data encryption, speeding up the service up to 30 times in handling a popular technology called SSL that is used to protect Web transactions.

Growing competition inspiring Intel

According to Diane Bryant, a senior vice president and general manager of Intel data center group, the company’s decision to focus on software defined infrastructure is both critical and inevitable. The chipmaker has decided to release a new chip in the wake of rival companies gearing to come up with new alternative offerings, based on ARM designs, which previously were used in the smartphones. Even though these chips came later than expected, the vendors are sure about getting ARM-based server chip this fall.

Other than the standard chips, Bryant said that Intel has shipped 20 models of the new chips in customized versions specifically for some customers.

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