How To Quickly Unsubscribe From Pages You’ve Liked On Facebook

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Till now one thing’s crystal clear, we all love social networking sites. If you’ve been on Facebook from a long time then by now you must have liked hundreds or even thousands of pages. Many times companies and brands offer us incentives to ‘like’ their page, and that’s why we don’t even think twice to like that page on Facebook. Liking a page is not a bad idea, but if you’ve liked many pages then chances are your News Feed will start populating with updates from these pages more, compared to updates from your friends. So how about spring cleaning your likes, and removing unimportant pages from your News Feed.

Quickly unsubscribe/unlike Facebook pages

There are two ways to unlike pages on Facebook that we will discuss in this article.

The first and the most easy way is to view the entire list of pages that you’ve liked from here. You can also visit a similar page by typing “Pages i like” in the search bar. Alternatively, you can also go to the Activity Log, click “Likes” in the sidebar, and choose “Pages and Interests.” This will populate the most recently liked pages first, and then you’ll have to scroll down to see older pages.

The second method to do the same thing is by using Facebook Cleanser from here, a web app that helps you to reduce the clutter by unliking pages that you don’t need anymore.

Just like every other app, you’ll need to sign-in to this app using your Facebook details and wait for some time. The app will then present a list of all the pages that you’ve liked. From there, click on the Like button to unlike the page that you don’t find interesting anymore.

So go ahead, and declutter your News Feed by unliking pages using any of these methods.

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