Navigate Facebook News Feed with Keyboard Shortcuts

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Facebook – the social networking site is where many users spend hours every day. Many people do not have any problem using a mouse to navigate Facebook News Feed, but some people might want to try out the shortcut keys. Facebook does not have many shortcut keys, and some of them are even browser specific. However, if you spend a lot of time on this social network then these keys can save much time.

Let us take a look at some of the shortcut keys for Facebook News Feed, and the best part is that they work on every browser.

Normally, many people use page up or page down or up and down arrow keys to scroll. Instead, use J to scroll down and K to scroll up. The advantage of using J and K keys is that when you scroll, a particular story is highlighted. You will know when a story is highlighted, as its left border will be dark.

facebook news feed shortcuts

Once a story is highlighted (selected), you can use the following keys to like or comment.

– To like or unlike a selected story, press L.

– To comment on the selected story, press C. When you have entered the text and  want to post it, press Enter.

So that is it. Try out these shortcut keys to navigate Facebook News Feed and browse faster, and smarter.

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