Upload & Send Any Web Files Directly To Dropbox [Chrome Extension]

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Dropbox is an amazing cloud storage and file sharing service. There are many useful third-party apps that extend the functionality of Dropbox. Apart from apps, there are also many useful browser extensions that support Dropbox; one such new extension is Download to Dropbox. Let’s take a closer look at this new extension.

Download to Dropbox is a Chrome extension that directly uploads web files to your Dropbox account. For example; let’s say you stumble upon a beautiful image while browsing that you want to send to your Dropbox account. Or perhaps you want to download an application, not to your computer but to Dropbox – that’s where this extension comes in.

Once the extension is installed, you’ll be able to see a new icon in the Chrome menu bar. Click on this icon and then you’ll need to sign-in to your Dropbox account to Authorize this app to connect to your account. Click on “Allow” button to do so.

Upload & Send Any Web Files Directly To Dropbox [Chrome Extension]

For some reason, I had to grant permission two times, so there might be a few hiccups. Once you have granted permission, you’ll be able to see a new option when you right click on the web page titled “Upload to Dropbox.” Now, whenever you want to upload anything – images, files or any other media straight to Dropbox, simply right-click on it and click on Upload to Dropbox. All of your saved files will appear at: DropboxAppsDownloads from Chrome.


When you click on the icon from the menu bar during the download process, you’ll be able to see the download progress bar. If the file is small, then in most cases it will be visible only for a few seconds.

The advantage of using this app is that it allows users directly upload files from the web to Dropbox, without even downloading it to the computer. This extension definitely saves you time and effort.

Tip: When granting permission to apps, you should always be careful. If you’re one who likes experimenting with different apps, you can simply revoke app permissions from the Dropbox’s web interface page.

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